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What to eat and what not to eat to make long lasting change in your health.

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Fall Fit Challenge
Starts October 7th

A simple plan and powerful plan to increase your endurance and burn fat in a super-efficient way!

Join me for 30 days of dedicated exercise and focus on clean eating.

Starts Monday October 7th!


I’ve heard from a lot of people that they feel frustrated and stuck and maybe you feel this way too…

  • Lack of energy to be there for the ones that need you the most

  • Loss of Self Confidence & body shaming, no longer feeling beautiful in your own body

  • Aches and pains from joints and a recent diagnosis from the doctor saying you should lose some weight for health reasons

  • Thoughts of weight loss surgery loom in your brain, feeling like you’ve tried everything with no tangible results

But luckily it doesn’t have to be a hard or frustrating process…

What if in 30 days you could…

***Have more energy than you’ve had in weeks, months or years.

Energy that you gain to devote to your side hustle or your family 

***Rid yourself of joint aches and pains and have better digestion

Have the endurance to go on long walks, restart that workout plan and go dancing again!

***Feel like the version of yourself that you know you are meant to be!

Being able to look in the mirror and truly love the person you are today!

Hi I'm Bri, a Certified Holistic Health Coach and Yoga Teacher.

Through my Signature Program, in 30 days, I will transform the way you think and feel about yourself and your relationship to food.

Work with me and we will:

  • End the Yo-Yo Dieting, lose the weight naturally and keep it off!

  • Teach you daily skills for healthy eating for years to come

  • Motivate you to push through the hard times to achieve your goals

  • Keep you accountable through your journey

  • Build your self confidence

  • Celebrate your wins!!!!!!

“Nourishing your body with healthy food is the ultimate act of self care.”


Live Classes

Check out my in person and zoom schedule and join me on the mat! You can also book private group classes for special events!

Holistic Health Coaching

Work with me to achieve your wellness goals and master your mindset.

1:1 and group coaching options available.

Private Yoga Session

For a more in depth yoga healing experience, book a private class with me! Private yoga focuses on your specific needs to build flexibility and ease in your body.

  • Brianna really keeps me on track and she is so motivational!

    When I started with Brianna I had already lost about 10 pounds on my own. I know this is where I start to yo-yo, plateau and lose motivation. Then I gain back the weight I just worked so hard to lose . Working with Brianna, I was able to push through that hurdle. I had lots of events coming up and Brianna helped me to plan my weekly weight loss goals to fit within my life so that it didn't feel so hard to in corporate into my daily life. She is amazing!

    -Tamara M.

  • As a busy mom, Brianna knows how to fit healthy eating into my busy life.

    When I came to Brianna I had just lost my dad after having a baby that same year. I was also thrust into full time caring for my mother. Brianna makes sure that I'm really celebrating the small wins like taking a walk around the neighborhood with my family or taking self care and booking a massage. Fitting in workout routines as a family has helped me to manage my health and my busy schedule. Brianna is there as my cheerleader pushing me through the tough spots in the week. She also includes motivational quotes in our text communications that really brighten my day!

    -Leslie W.

  • Brianna's classes are the highlight of my week!

    I love Brianna's classes. I anticipate her class and always feel so much better and ready for my day when we are finished. She is also really down to earth and listens to my pain posts and adjusts our routine accordingly. I can't recommend her enough!"

    -Jeanette L.

  • My sciatic pain is more manageable!

    Before working with Brianna I was dealing with constant pain. I have fibromyalgia and sciatica pain. Brianna makes our classes just what my body needs to manage my chronic pain. I can also feel circulation in my legs again!

    -Riviera R.

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This FREE Webinar, with companion eBook, will rock your world and empower you, to beat sugar cravings, prepare delicious sugar-free foods, and re-energize your fabulous life without the need of sugar.

Join me as I focus on how to lessen our consumption of excess sugar in this fast paced, super processed food and instant gratification lifestyle many of us live.

Kick your sugar addiction!